Monday, July 13, 2009

Superheroes Anonymous 3: Secret City

This Labor Day weekend, the annual meeting of Superheroes Anonymous will be hosted by Civitron in the Secret City, New Bedford, MA!
"Superheroes Anonymous is a collective of 'real-life superheroes' who aim to do good in the world and inspire others. Originally founded in 2007 by Ben Goldman and Chaim Lazaros as an annual conference for superheroes, Superheroes Anonymous has since become the legitimate face of the 'real-life superhero' movement - bringing superheroes together in the real world to affect positive change." (From
While we are still working out the details of this event, participants are expected to get their hands dirty, make some new friends and hopefully, learn something new about themselves and how to be even better superheroes. Slated activities included are a clean-up event, an evening patrol, and some community hunger outreach. Other events in development include workshops presented by real-life superheroes, an event for kids, and a party/fundraiser. More information and a full calendar of presenters will be posted here as updates become available. This event is free and open to the public. No registration is required. If you would like to help, please contact me,

"The first meeting of Superheroes Anonymous was held in October 2007 in Times Square, New York where superheroes met for the first time and helped the homeless, cleaned up the streets and patrolled the area doing random acts of kindness. It was the first such meeting of its kind and attracted widespread media attention, most notably from The New York Times.

The second annual conference took place in New Orleans, LA in collaboration with The Black Ghost. For this event, the Superheroes Anonymous team drove superheroes cross country in an RV, stopping in various destinations along the way to do good. Upon arriving in New Orleans, we rebuilt homes with Habitat for Humanity, [patrolled with the Guardian Angels] cleaned up a school with All Congregations Together, helped the local homeless and marched against youth violence with Silence is Violence. We then gathered on the steps of City Hall as city officials declared it The Day of the Superheroes." (From

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