Sunday, February 21, 2010

Civitron Walks for Hunger! Will You?

On Sunday, May 2nd, I will be participating in Project Bread's 2010 Walk for Hunger. This is my fifth Walk for Hunger. My first walk was in 1989. Eighteen years later, my three-year old son made the commitment to join the fight against hunger and a family tradition was born! Since then, we have cultivated a superheroic team of friends and family to suit up and tighten our laces against the injustice of tightening belts around hungry bellies. I hope that you will support me and my team in our efforts to raise money to help end hunger in Massachusetts!

That's my son and me (upper right), posing at the 10 mile checkpoint. He doesn't usually look like that. He's just really tired. We all were tired and hungry. Then, Super-Scott's shoe exploded! But we didn't let the damp weather dampen our spirits. We pressed on with visions of cheeseburgers, dancing in our heads

Why am I walking? I'm walking because many Massachusetts families are seeing their monthly income stretched beyond capacity. They are forced to go without food in order to pay their rent, utility, and medical bills. The demand for emergency food has never been greater with pantries and meal programs supported by Project Bread serving 57.3 million meals last year alone. Hunger is not just an urban problem — it exists in nearly every community throughout the state.

The money that I raise by walking as much as I can of the 20-mile route will directly help hungry people. Funds raised through the Walk support more than 400 emergency food programs in 135 communities statewide.

Who is hungry? Hunger affects more than 554,000 people in Massachusetts, including the state’s most vulnerable citizens — children, the elderly, the disabled, and the unemployed.

Hunger also affects the working poor, who use more and more of their income to pay rent, heating oil, medical care, and childcare. Both children and the elderly are disproportionately represented at emergency food programs funded by Project Bread. In low-income communities throughout the state, one child in three lives in a family that struggles to put food on the table.

Please donate to my Walk to help me make a difference and reach my personal fundraising goal. Thank you for your support of me and of hungry people.

Together we CAN make a difference!

About The Walk for Hunger

Since 1969, Project Bread's Walk for Hunger has provided critical resources for hungry children and families in Massachusetts. Today, The Walk for Hunger is the oldest continual pledge walk in the country, and the largest annual one-day fundraiser to alleviate local hunger.

Money raised through The Walk for Hunger funds more than 400 food pantries, soup kitchens, food banks, and food salvage programs in 135 communities across Massachusetts.

The Walk for Hunger is held on the first Sunday in May every year. The 20-mile Walk route weaves through Boston, Brookline, Newton, and Cambridge.

About Project Bread

As the state’s leading antihunger organization, Project Bread is dedicated to alleviating, preventing, and ultimately ending hunger in Massachusetts. In addition to organizing the annual Walk for Hunger and supporting emergency food programs statewide, Project Bread also advocates systematic solutions that prevent hunger in children and that provide food to families in everyday settings.

About Civitron

As the premier real-life superhero/costumed activist in Massachusetts, Civitron endeavors to battle hunger and poverty, while protecting the world from imagination gentrification. His mission represents a reclamation of the creative spirit and true self-expression. He works with an amazing team of heroes, dedicated to making the world a better place through community outreach, fundraising and inspirational events. In the spring, Civitron and friends will begin work on a new series of ongoing events and workshops designed to spark creativity and empower your superhero potential!

For more information about hunger in Massachusetts and how you can help, please visit

Much of this article was provided for my Personal Walk Page by the lovely and talented people at Project Bread's Walk for Hunger. We love them and all that they do. Thanks! Visit them at or follow them on Twitter at If you have any difficulty accessing any links on this blog, please contact me directly at

Sunday, January 24, 2010


The upcoming year is filled with many new adventures for our heroes! We would like to thank everyone for all the hard work they've put into writing the bylaws, researching programs and establishing our mission. We've all learned a lot and now, it's time to really put that new knowledge to good use!

Superheroes Anonymous is closer than ever to becoming an official non-profit. Very soon we will be able to share the benefits that title brings. We have begun laying the groundwork for a very exciting alliances, which will undoubtedly prepare us for establishing a incredibly successful organization. More on that, soon.

A new and improved Superheroes Anonymous website is on the way, thanks to our web development team, Zetaman and Civitron! Look forward to more up-to-date news, blogs, photos and video from real-life superheroes from across the nation. Some special features of the site will include detailed descriptions of our missions, ongoing programs and a calendar of our upcoming events; our revised "12 Steps to Superheroism"; superhero commentary; investigative journalism, taking a deeper look at the causes that inspire us to action; links to chapter websites and ways for YOU to get involved with Superheroes Anonymous to become a superhero yourself.

Starting in February, Superheroes Anonymous will begin coordinating "Superhero Support Groups" in cities all over the country. This is an open-forum, round-table discussion about the principles of superheroism and how they relate to us as individuals. Meetings will often feature guest speakers and member organized workshops on how to be a more effective superhero. The goal of these meetings is to foster the superhero potential in everyone and provide a venue for exploration and cultivation of your powers to effect positive change in ourselves and our community. These events are free and open to the public. Check back here for dates and locations or visit our website at

Let's keep the momentum and make 2010 the year of the superhero!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Super Friends
Move over, Clark Kent. All over New England, mild-mannered citizens are suiting up and doing their part to play the hero.
By Tea Krulos | December 11, 2009
STREET JUSTICE: Real-life superheroes are now so numerous throughout the country that they have a national organization, Superheroes Anonymous. New England regional heroes include, second from left, Basilisk, Civitron, Beau Shay Monde, and Recluse. Rapper Tem Blessed (far left) has collaborated with Civitron.

THWAK! I swing with my right fist, trying to connect with my opponent's face. In a smooth motion, he deflects my punch with his forearm, which is protected with a black and metallic-plastic arm gauntlet. I swing with my left fist, and am again knocked away effortlessly. I can see my reflection in his sunglasses, framed in white. He smiles and smoothes out his red and white spandex shirt — adorned with a letter "C," a flame shooting out of the top — and then crouches into a fighting stance.

"Oh, no," I think. "I'm about to get my ass kicked by a Lycra-wearing superhero."

This non-caped crusader goes by the name of Civitron, and lucky for me, our combat is not a battle royale to the death. Rather, we are sparring at Rebelo's Kenpo Karate, in New Bedford, where Civitron has trained under sensei Joseph "Kenpo Joe" Rebelo on and off for more than 10 years. We aren't alone. (READ MORE)

Late Update on SA3 - Success!

It's being hailed as the greatest and best installment in the Superheroes Anonymous Annual series - SA3: Secret City was huge a success!

For the awesome weekend of workshops, workouts, parties and public demonstrations, a very big thank you to all those involved in making it happen. Jen C, Kendra M, Sara B, Sifu Joe Rebelo, Tem Blessed, Jeremiah H, Dark Guardian, Zetaman, Scavenger, Knight Owl, Runebringer, Basilisk, Recluse, Amazonia, Zimmer, Tea Krulos and all the real life superheroes (both costumed and non) else who helped out and donated to our food drive! You'll be able to see photos from the event, soon at

I promise to get better about updating this blog. It's soon going to be absorbed by the new and improved superheroes anonymous website. This will be the official chapter blog for Superheroes Anonymous and real life superheroes in New Bedford.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Superheroes Anonymous is a collaborative of costumed activists dedicated to inspiring the superhero in all people, through community outreach, education and creative altruism. Superheroes Anonymous is also the title of an independent film project spanning over three years. The film documents the evolution of the organization and the real-life superhero phenomenon overall. It is filmed, directed and produced by Ben Goldman and Chaim “Life” Lazaros, who originally conceived the concept of the annual conference of Superheroes Anonymous. For more information, please visit

The third annual conference of Superheroes Anonymous will be hosted in New Bedford, MA on Labor Day weekend, September 5-7 and will feature volunteer missions, workshops, a beach cleanup and a public food-drive event. These events are free and open to the public. All real-life superheroes and costumed activists are welcome to attend. However, due to space restriction, some events require pre-registration.

Guests should arrive by Friday night, September 4 or early Saturday morning to experience the full event. The following is a tentative description of the events, which are definitely happening. The details are subject to change.

View SA3: Secret City in a larger map

The weekend will begin at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 5 with a morning workout, hosted by martial artist Dark Guardian. This is an exercise event. Please dress comfortably and bring plenty of water. This will take place near the west entrance of Ft. Taber/Ft. Rodman, with a beautiful view of the cove. This entrance is located at the end of West Rodney French Blvd in the city’s south end. Signs will be posted at the entrance. Following, this workout, we will break for breakfast and prepare for a long day of missions and workshops. We will arrange a common meeting location to meet at and hopefully, be able to provide transportation to the following missions.

At 11:00 a.m., we will meet at Rebelo’s Kenpo Karate, at 88 Hatch Street in the North End of the city, for a series of workshops and seminars conducted by other real-life superheroes. Dark Guardian will conduct a workshop on self-defense and mixed martial arts. Night Owl will present a CPR and First Aid class. Following this instruction, Senior Instructor Joseph P. Rebelo II will present a lesson on self-defense, close quarters combat and disarming an opponent. Visit his website for more information about the wide variety of lessons available at

Throughout the day, we will be working with local chapters of the American Red Cross, Horizons for Homeless Children and a group that sends care packages to troops overseas. Exact details of these missions will be announced, soon.

At 4:00 p.m. we will break and prepare for dinner and the official meeting of Superheroes Anonymous. The meeting will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Waterfront Grille at 36 Homer's Warf
in Downtown New Bedford. Due to limited seating, this event requires pre-registration. Please RSVP to Check out the restaurant’s website at for information about their menu.

Sunday, 8:00 a.m., 9/6 we will meet for a morning run, behind the Lawler Branch Library at Buttonwood Park Zoo at 745 Rockdale Ave. in the west end of New Bedford. This is an exercise event. Appropriate attire is required. Please wear sneakers and drink plenty of water. Following the run, we will break for breakfast and prepare for the event of the day.

From 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., Superheroes Anonymous will host a community food-drive event, featuring live music, martial arts demonstrations, information tables for other organizations, such as the Guardian Angels of New Bedford, the American Red Cross, Horizons for Homeless Children, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and the New Bedford Police Department. Superheroes Anonymous will have a table offering information about the organization, while offering capes, masks and goodie-bags for kids. This event will take place at the Bristol Building on Purchase Street (Near the Green Bean) in Downtown, New Bedford.

After this large event, we should be able to take the afternoon off to mingle with other heroes and tour this beautiful city. Additionally, there will be some international press joining us this year and this will be a good time to sit down and speak with them, personally. This is not mandatory. Please, specify if you do not wish to participate.

Monday morning, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. we will gather at Hazelwood Park at W. Rodney French Blvd. for a guerilla style beach cleanup from Dudley Street to S. Rodney French Blvd. From there, the conference will officially end.

I hope this answers many of your questions. Feel free to contact Civitron directly at 978.304.9072 or email for more information. Be sure to check out for more information about Superheroes Anonymous and the film by the same name.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Accross the Bridge, a Hero

Fairhaven, MA - Lily Frank, an eight year old and third-grader at Rogers School, set up a lemonade stand to raise $250 for The Smile Train.

The Smile Train is an organization that funds surgery for children with cleft palates and lips in financially poor countries in Asia. It's a hard life for those afflicted with this condition. Due to their appearance, these kids are often not allowed to attend school or even find a job. The cost of corrective surgery for one child is $250. Check out their website at

Lily's mom, Meg Frank says she gave Lily information about this group and "she decided on her own to make a difference." She saw people that need help and did what she could with what she had. She made some posters and set up a lemonade stand. Simple. She raised $200 and her mom offered up the rest. Kudos, Meg for good parenting!

Read this story at

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Spooky Southcoast

Recently, I was joined by Mr. Basilisk as a guest on WBSM's "Spooky Southcoast" to talk about real-life superheroes and the upcoming Superheroes Anonymous event. Usually, the show spotlights topics like ghosts, E.S.P, aliens and monsters but last Saturday, we discussed being an active citizen, community involvement, and "living your truth." The team of paranormal investigators were fun, supportive and inviting and I look forward to meeting them again, soon. In fact, they have offered their assistance in promoting our upcoming annual conference! Check out the podcast!